Any world wild country can get billions euro and create millions of jobs Any world wild citizen can get an online job in USA Canada ,Australia Switzerland Norway Hong kong ,Singapore Europe Union without having to adventure in those countries All worl wild grammar school Universities and businesses schools mut be motivated and then obliged to valorise their researches pupils and students creative potential ,implement certain projects get millions and offer posibilities for pupils and student to win money part time helping their grammar school Universities and businesses schools implementaing such projects
Youth fromm Africa ,Latin American ,and differents other countries , beleave that the only way they can make their dream to become true is to immigrate ,
Because of this they can not cconcentrate in what they can do in their country because they beleave that the only chance to get enough money to get a car enough money to spend and be loved by a nice woman is to immigrate
Given that their dream do not corespond with the reality ,i Alberto Rodrigues ,an economical and digital science researcher ,i had considered very important to create different projects concepts which can help worldwild kids to be motivated to discover some passion and tallent they can have , develop them and then valorise them in differens projects where they can have fun with their coleges ,
By this occasion worldwild talented kids with the accept of their parents can contribute in the realizations of very awesome turistics products as i had presented in this document
By this occasion they can attract millions of some others worldwild kids and families which will go to differents countries to assist at those events where talented kids will perform and like this a big part of those kids who will assit at those events can be motivated to do the same thing they will see and this way a better number of worldwild kids can become to discover certain passion ,talent and then their family wil help them to valorise them and get money
Like this a kid will never have a dream to grow ,immigrate ,because since his 4 years he will see how some other kids are performing ,having fun ,
After in a very short time when he will realise that despite he was engoing very much what he was doing with his coleges ,a tourism or agency compay had paied his parents for what he was doing ,and them his parents had bought nice things with that money ,then he will find this very intresting
This will be a very fantastic thing because in a very short time a large number of kids and millions of world wild families will know about those positive things and no kids adolescents ,will have a dream to immigrate
Given that for poor people ,from differents countries gypsies ,who are leaving in Europe Union they beleve that the only way to get money is to do cetain things they had see from a generation to another but for such purpose they do not need to go for schoolo ,a big parte of gypsies and those poor peoples do not send their kids to school
Due to this bad situation ,as i know African ,Latin american ,Indian ,Asian ,and gypsies kids are very skiled dancers ,singers ,drums players ,i had created a project with the major scope to present a know how which can be used to valorise those kids talents for the benefit of the country tourisms
This way worldwild poor people ,will be very motivated to send their kids to school take care of them ,motivate them to train at home ,help them to have extra preparation etc
Taking into consideration that kids parents can start given their kids those kind of supports ,since they will have 4 years old ,after ten years they will get a big experience in what is concerning digital science ,new media digital marketing ,communication , then from 14 years old those very skiled kids will be able to help their grammar scholl and university to implement different projects from what they will bring to their economy billions euro create a big number of jobs
In order to demontrate how this project can be implmented after kisd will have 14 years old i had created another project
given by this link
valorising t
All world wild muslims countries have to be helped to valorise their 3 Magis Ts ( Talent Tradition Tourism )
get billions and create millions jobs
All African ,Latin American must receive the know how aqbout what they have to do in order to start to valorise their 3 Magics Ts ( Talent Tradition Tourism ,get billions and create millioins jobs
Muslims citizens who are living in Europe Union ,USA, Canada ,Australia and some other countries can get more than 700 -1700 euro promotiong
Businesses opportunities ...
African Asian Latin American talented kids with the accept of their parents can contribute in a creation of very intresting touristics products which can be used to attract milliojns world wild families who love their kids and they will like to bring them to assit to those awesome programmes which can be performed by very talenteed African Asian Latin American talented kids
Dozens of some other African Asian Latin American very skiled kiids can make videos and promote those special touristics products By this occasion hundreds millions pf worldwild kids and their families will love those videos presented by those African ,African ,Asian talented kids and download them
Given that things will be done in such a professional way in a very short time a country can reach in a very short time more than 700 000 units download if for every one parents will pay 10 -15 euros ,the country will bring to his economy a large amount of money
Given that in a very short time hundred millions of world wild kids and their families wil know that very skiled and talentd kids are presenting awesome things which are used to create special touristics products and some others are presenting interesting video which can be downloades and bring money ,than millions of some others kids will like to do the same thing
In a such a positive situation they will never dream to got to another country to work become reach buy a car and have a beautiful women,as majority of world wild adolescents are dreaming know
In order to understant why immigration trend rate is so high we have to go deep inside the problme and try to identify differents motivations which had never been presented
One of them have link with adolescent dreamto have a nice care enough money to spend and a beautifull woman
For more than 70 years they had been conmvinced that only way to make this dream come true is to immigrate
Now that we know about this existing motivation ,in order t6o discouraje immigration trend we must start to do differents strategics things which will have the following scope
1) Create more than two others alternatives dreams which can become true in the dreamer native country
2) Give opportunities to a future dreamer to become a positive model for millions of some others since he will have 4 -14 years
According to different social researches the partenal love is so deep than Aa mother is ready tio do anything she knows will make his kid happy Unfortunatly a big part of things which can make a kid happy in most of the cases can bring also future negative consiquences to his health ,phisical and psicological development Due to those negative consequences parents are searchin for altenatives which can help them achieve those goals but with any negative consequences because in most of the times parents can be happy as they see their kids doing differents things but they can be entire satisfied as they know that those certain things can bring them future negative consequences
Given this situation they are searching fo different positive things which can make make the kid happy and in the same time motivated him to discover a passion to art sport in such a way he can stay as much time as it can be possible aside from the computer
For the same reason millions of world wild families are searching for special touristics products where very talented kids are performing because if if they will find such touristics products they will prefer to travel in weekend and assit with their whole family to what will happen then to to stay two long days at home assiting how them paying non stop computer games
After i had stydied very well the prepocupation of those families the disponibility they have to travel in weekend spend a big amound of money ,in order to help them to escape their lovely kids from the computer addiction
and by this occasion motivate them to discover special passion for art sport i had decide to use all those specifics problems in order to solve another big problem which have link with immigration
For this purpose as i saw that African and Latin Americas kids are very talented i had created a specific touristics products those millions of families are searching for
By this ocassion as i had seen that those millions world wild families problems have link with the proper education they want to give their kids their healt ,harmony growing and negative aspects a long period staing in front of the computer can bring ,than i had takeninto consideration a special research which had been done by certainresearcher who had pointed out that at least onece a week every citizen who use a computer tablet ,smartphone ,or watch Tv,must step with their feets in a specialnisip because this will help his body to eliberate from magnetics charges
Apart of this i had also considered the fact that the best oxygena kid can breath in is that which plants eliberate during the day wind breeze bring in the evening
Puting all those aspects togheters i had created a very sophisticated touristic products according to all the need of those millions worl wildf families ,the problem they want to solve and satisfaction they will like to have
Given that in this document my maor scope is to demonstrate diffferents qaspects and problemsrelated with immigration issue i am not going to present details about the special touristics products i had refered to them just because i want to present reasons why world wild countries can valorise kids and youths talents for the benefit of their family their country economy
and in the same time help the country to present those talenteds kids and youth as some positive models which will help millions of some kids and youths to become motivated to do the same thing ,have fun ,become well know at scool be apreciated get money purchase different goods he needs to show up etc
Given that a kid can start from his 3-5 years achive those very special and usefull goals he will never have a dream to grow up immigrate get enough money to get goods he and his family needs
As a positive consequence of this the dream to immigrate will be over
Monday, September 22, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
How Africa can valorise his 3 Magics Ts get billions and create millions jobs
Africa can valorise his Talent Tradition and Tourism in a very genuine way and by this ocassion get billions euros and create millions of well paids jobs
For the first time in Africa history a single project will be capable to solve millions of problems which have been affecting the continent and every separate country ,but this is not all because the same project will help Barack Obama ,Angela Merkel ,David Cameron to achive differents strategics goals
Apart of this the same project will help Europe Union to descouraje fascism and extremism in a very positive way,and also Italy Spain to descouraje the immigration exodus in their country
Barack Obama have a greate chance to become the first USA president who can help his party to win for a third time consecutives USA presidential elections ,after he will finish his second mandate In order to help Barack Obama and democratic party to achieve this goals
In a certain phase of a secondary project we will implement and which have link with ""How Africa can valorise his 3 Magics Ts "",it will generate the following text link
""African Government X and Clinton Foundation is helping your country to valorise his 3 Magics Ts ( Talent Tradition ,Tourism "and create jobs for a large number of people ""
This is so awsome ..if i was an English speaking citizen i should find the right words to make you understand how powerfull the link will be and how it will sensibilise African Americans and make them mobilise in the righ way to vote democratic party
This is also fantastic because in the same time it help an African Government to sensibilise people from his country become more symphatised and respected by his electors ,make African people to be proud of their country ,be more closed to African authorities
In the other hand it will help Hillary Clinton ,and Democratic party to surprise in a very positive mode millions of African Americans electors because for the first time in the African history they will see how African will surprise the planet valorysing in a fatastic and innovative way his Talents ,Traditions and Tourism ,but this is not all because after differents African countries will get the know how about what must be done they will start teachion Europe Union how they can use multicultural advantages to get billions and create millions of jobs
By this occasion apart of differents awesome parts of this projects ,at a certain time ordinary citizens ,who do not even had finished primary school will become teacher of traditions ,culture and they will get a lot of money
Fascist EU parties are using immigrations issues to scare people ,make them to get revolted and take strong acctions agains different Eu Governments Given that apart of fascist violent fans a so called Jihadist have a relativelly large number of EU citizens who are supporting them , EU have as priority to descouraje those dangerous acctions For this purpose we had created a very positive way Africans countries can help Angela Merkel David Cameron EU to achieve those goals
How it will be possible Diferents project which have link with the major one How Africa can valorise his 3 Magics Ts ,will generate strategics links which will go viral from dozens African computers to thousands and them hundred thousands By this ocassion millions of UE citizens will see that though those projects which will be implemented in different African countries
People will get money in more than 7 different ways ,even while they will study in elementary ,secondary school and faculty and because of this they will no longer have a dream to immigrate and become rich
Given that things will be done in such a professional way the same EU computer can receive every day more than 7 differents links from dozens of people and they will see how African people anre engoying live and geting money ,fascist UE partis will no longer use certain themes which have link with African immigration because they will know that they will no longer get the same effects as they are getiing now
This is another fantastic projects It had been created to surprise in a very positive way ,mr David Cameron Angela Merkel By this occasion Africans will teach Europe Union how they can use their multicultural advantages get billions and create millions jobs Given that this will be possible because of immigrants for the first time in history EU citizens will consciencializise that up to know they did not know what to do to transform immigration trend in a greate source to get billions and create millions of jobs
but this is not all because those projects will help mr David cameron to escape defenitivly from UKIP
This is a first part of this project
I will come back soon to present a second and third part of it until them i will assure you that those parts of this document will be evean more fantastic and innovative than the first one
I made this break because i wanted to share this first part of this document with
1) Clinton Foundation
2) Oxford forum for international Development
3) Clinton Global initiative
4) The Harvard Foundation
5) US Agency for international development
6) Kofi Annan Foundation
7) Thomson reuters Foundation
8) Nelson Mandela Foudation
9) Institute of Development Studies
10 ) George Soros and Open Society foundatios for Eastern Africa
11 ) United Nations Foundations
12 ) Africa research Institute
14)George Soros and Open Society foundatios for Eastern Africa
15) Mo Ibrahim Foundation
15) George Soros and Open Society foundatios for Eastern Africa
Beford i will present you the second part of this document i had decided to leave here a short text i had send to the president of International organization of migration in Switzerland mr William Lacy Swing and posted also in the facebook account of IOM ,UK ,Germany , and differents other countries
I am Alberto Rodrigues an economical and digital science researcher After some years researchers i had elaborated project which had generated titles as
1) How EU can use his multicultural advantages ,get billion and create millions jobs
2) ""How Africa can valorise his 3 Magics Ts get billions and create millions jobs ""
3) How EU can take benefit from migration trend get billions and create millions jobs
Apart of those projects i had elaboretad different others which can help Spain Italy and differents other EU countries to solve migration problems in a very positive way
According to those projects they can colaborate with different Universities from Marroco ,Tunisia ,Egipt ,Nigeria ,Ghana and some others countries which have a high rate migration
,1) Business opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days ,
2)""Businesses opportunities where money invested monday can start bringuing high profit in friday ""
3) Know how transfer events which can be organised in Spain ,Italy and differents other EU countries
4) Special touristics products which might be be combined with those events
5) Ebooks, tools ,apps which can be published by this ocassion
6) Short therms courses which can be organised by differents businesses school and Universities from Spain Italy and differents others EU countries
By this occasion citizens from Maroco ,Tunisia ,Egipt ,Nigeria ,Ghana , etc will learn in their country how they can promote those things and get cash money Apart of this they will get some more money presenting art and entertainment momnets in differents show and parties which can be organised beford and after the know how transfer events
As African talented people do not need to graduate from a grammar school University to be talented by this ocassion a large number of African talented people aged between 7 -70 and more if it will be possible ,they will get money valorising their talent in a very important and strategic proiject both fro their country and Europe Union
At this occasion they will dance sing ,play drumbs ,but this is not all because a large number of some others will become tradition and cultural teacher for young people from their country ,tourists etc
Apart of those differents ways to get money doing a positive thing which will hel Africa to promote his tourism world wild ,i will present some other dozens
of possibilities African citizens can get money doing usefull thing which will help their country economy to grow and African people to live a better live
Given that a certain governemrnt ,minister of research and inovation from an European Union country had refused since March 2014 to help me register those projects so i can present them in order to be implemented as soon as it is possible ,with the purpose to help dozens of millions African citizens which are leaving in a very bad situation to get money doing something usefull for their country and also for the economy of differents EU countries ,
and in the same time to help differents European Union countries to solve migration problems in a very positive way ,i would like to send those projects to mr Ambassador William Lacy Swing , and ask him if possible to recommend me a an international foundation ,IOM parteners which can help me to register those projects Tank you for your attention
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