Monday, October 20, 2014

Useful guide which had been presented to IOM EU UN in order to solve in the righ way immigration integration

 This guide will contain 3 differents parts

1) In the firts part we will present European  Union  and United Nations recommendations about how to implement immigration integration programmes ,

2) Second part we will
a) Demonstrate that  the way differents IOM subsidiareis are implementing immigrations integration programes is affecting United States securities  and create higher desire for muslim to hate and kill

b)  Advert Bruxelles admnistration that the way some IOM subsidiaries are implementing different immigrations programmes can offer possiblities to everyone who had obtained evidence about bad practises commited by certain IOM  subsidiaries and their parteners  to  launch  a negative  international feedback using a platphorma which can present apart of some other facts a text  as ""Europe Union is financing an international institutions which are commiting abuses against immigrants with the purpose to make then ask for voluntary  repatriation

c) Inform some IOM subsidiaries  and   differents USA  embassies about the following situation Given that the international IOM director is  mr William Swing ,as  an American citizen any mistake make by a subsidiary IOM will affect not just his personal and institutions image and also  the security of United States because muslims and immigrants can beleave that as a general director of IOM international  he was the one to  order how to do things   in a certain mode

d) Advert  some IOM subsidiaries that the way they are implementing certain  immigratioin integration programme ,is generating a very negative  international fedback among muslims and worldwild immigrants ,and as a bad consequence of this those programmes instead to help EU ,USA  IOM to achive some strategics goals  which had been establihed , they are making muslims to get  higher desire to  hate and kill

3) In the final part after we will had presented EU UN recommendations about how to implement in the righ way immigrations integrations programmes ,we will know also a big list of  mistakes some IOM subsidiaries have been commiting and how they are affecting USA ,EU security ,then we will present viable solutions to solve those  in the righ way differents immigrations problems

 In paralel with this following EU UN  recomendations ,and different others positive things which will be presented in  this document we will present Romania ,Italy ,Spain ,Sweden  IOM  a know how which will help them to solve a case of a high calified immigrant and then present it as an example how immigrations integrations programme can be implemented  in the righ way
Why  those projects can be implemented in the first stage in Sweden Spain ,Italy ,Romania
1) Sweden is considered one of the most friendly country for immigrants United Nations have a immigration reserch center in Stockholm ,and in Malmo there is a multicultural University
2) Spain and Italy have big  unsolved immigrants problems

4) Romania is considered as a major EU immigrant  ''exporter ""According to a project which will be presented here if Romania will get a know how in order to valorise Gypsies talent and help them to get money ,they will not go to differents EU countries to do what they had been done until today Given that in Romania there is a large number of Moldavian students and  accroding to digital science Moldovian students computers are well linked  with Russian speaking countries ,then Romania is a proper place from where it can be launched differents digital science projects which will help Europe Union ,United States ,NATO to achive strategics goals in  Russia and Russia speaking countries


European Union in May 2013 and United Nations in October 2013

According  to this principle Europe Union had recommmended his menber states to use immigrations trend for the benefit of EU social and economic development For such scope EU menbers states must use immigrants know how ,professional skills ,creative potential for the benefit of the economy and social development


Given that IOM EU had been implementing a project which have as  his major scope to help immigrants to integrate in EU menber states countries according to those European Union and United Nations recommendations IOM and EU must do the following thing

1)In the first stage they have to identify any immigrant know how professional skills  ,creative potential ,talent
2) In the second step they have to contact a functional ecosistem in the European  menber state country ,where the immigrant can valorise his professionals  skills in the benefit of the European Union economic and social development

 Like this in majority of the cases ,as we are going to demonstrate in a research project ,the immigrant can be integrated immediatly without using any euro from EU and IOM funds But this is not all because we will also demonstrate that for the first moment he will be in contact with the ecosistem which can fit with his professionals skills he  can  start to help IOM EU to achive very specifics and strategics goals

3) Apart of those very important things  immigrants can help IOM and EU to achive some other objectives which have link with the following situation

Giving that fascist mouvments are using immigration issues to scare people in order to discourage such  thing IOM and EU  had obligation to implement certain projects with the major scope to present positives  things immigrants are doing and special those which can help Europe Union to get money from different other econommies and by this occasion create a large number of jobs Fpr such purpose IOM and EU can use immigrations magazines ,Facebook etc


Security and immigrantion reasearchers recommend that beford any immigration projects  can be elaborated ,IOM and EU apprt of some other aspects they have to take into consideration the following one

According to the tradition in differents countries where immigration rate is so high when  an immigrant return home no matter if he is going for hollydays ,or not he have to bring presents for every brother ,sister ,relatives

Next day at work ,school people will expect to see the immigrants relatives dresing new clothes ,using new phones ,having tablets etc

In the same time at  the immigrant home neighbours will be patient to see the new care he is going to park and his friends  ex mates ,coleges will expect the invitation to  his wellcoming party he is giving where people will eat dring free and some other where he will invite friends in Clubs dring and enjoy with them and pay all the bills

If those things will not happen it will be a very big humilliating situation for all the immigrant families ,relatives ,friends

It is a situation which will affect every one of them and not just for one day one year but for a long period of time going even from a generation to another

Due to those negative situations ,in order to avoid their families relatives so suffer such  humiliating situation immigrants prefer not to return if they can not afford to do things according to the tradition and people , expectance

As a bad consequence of this a muslim if he will be forced to return and he knows he can not afford to do things the righ way , instead to make all his families relatives to suffer  such humiliation he will rather prefer to do things  in another way ,Things  which are considered by their  muslim communities as ,good  for the muslim causes
Due to the situation gravity security and immigration  researchers consider that  befford differents IOM and EU projects can be elaborated they have to consider this aspects as majors things which must be taken into consideration

Otherwise the programme instead to help EU IOM to achive established strategics goals they will make muslims and immigrants to have higer desire to hate and kill


Realities had demontrated that muslims had had a great sucess with  their new media propaganda However as a digital science researcher i had abserved that  in therms of digital science  they still somehow behind but in any time if they will  make progress get  a certain  know how which can permit them to get in a very short time  millions  muslims most active email adreses  mobile phone and the accept to communicate with them though those ways ,than from that moment nobody will stop them

Due to the situation gravity EU- IOM  must have as a priority zero to start  from today to implement a certain digital science project and strategy which will permit IOM -EU  to start geting  those millions of most active muslims emails adresses ,mobile phone ,and their accept to communicate with them using by those ways If you will ask any security and immigration reserches  they will tell you that the grate danger EU USA can ever face is related about what i just had worned about

If you will read this document until the end you will find steps which have to start  to be done from today and not tomorow
Until them we will make references about


We are working in those contents until then we will recommend you to read about solutions to solve those problems


As  we had said the way some IOM subsidiaries are implementing different immigrations programmes can offer possiblities to everyone who had obtained evidence about bad practises commited by certain IOM  subsidiaries and their parteners  to  launch  a negative  international feedback using a platphorma which can present apart of some other facts a text  as ""Europe Union is financing an international institutions which are commiting abuses against immigrants with the purpose to make then ask for voluntary  repatriation

In order to show how IOM and EU are mistaken beford  we can present 7 different ways to solve in positive mode immigrants problems , we will present a very shot example about what can be done

 For example as we are going to demonstrate we are going to give a special know how to Spain ,Romania Italy ,Sweden universities ,in order to implment certain projects related with a project which will generate a link as How EU ca use immigrantions trend get billions and create millions jobs By this occasion Foreign students will have possiblities to win money while they are studing in 7 differents ways
 Given that by this ocassion dozens millions of worldwild students ,theirs parents and relatives will be so interested to know about such opportunities ,we will teach immigrants how they can use digital science and get money ,in the following simple way

They will learn how to create a document about

1) ""How to study in  country x  and get money while your are studing in 7 differents ways ""
2) ""Businesses opportunities which can bring more than 25% in less tha 75 days in country x ""
Given that things will be done in such a way in very short time people can download more than 20 units with 5-7 euros ,by this ocassion immigrants can get dozen thousands euros ,and in the same time bring to certain Europe Union countries dozens thousands students and investors

Apart of this immigrants will spread in a natural mode a positive feedback worldwild but this is not all because after they will get the know how they will be motivated to go to their country to teach pupils in elementary schools ,grammar schools ,how they can do the same thing and get money whicle they ar studing in their country

This first example can show IOM and EU that instead to do bad practices with the scope to make immigrants to get disperated and ask for voluntary repatriation ,they can just teach them how to use digital science , bring billions euros ,help attract investors ,Foreign students etc


We are working in those contents until then we will recommend you to read about solutions to solve those problems


Given that immigrants are so revolted and muslims ready to kill the way immigration problem must be solved must take into considerations immigrations interest For this purpose beford IOM  and EU elaborate any immigration programme they have to thing firs if the programme will help immigrants to achieve they goals

For this scope IOM and EU must know that the majors immigrant interests are 

,to get money ,be respected

Taking into consideration USA EU and immigrant interest i Alberto Rodrigues an economic and digital science researcher had created a very important project which can help solving immigrants problems in a very positive way

For this purpose in the first stage  i had created a sophisticated digital science platphorma trough what immigrants can promote

1)  Businesses opportunities which can bring  more than 25% profit in less than 75 days

2) Investment opportunity which bring high profit in shot time but without consuming
3) Business opportunities where money invested monday  can start bringuing high profit without consuming resources creating pollution

4) Know how transfer events which can be organized in  differents EU countries and also in Maroco ,Nigeria ,Turquish etc
5) special touristics products which can be combined with the know how transfer events

6) Short therm course which can be organised by differents EU .Nigeria 7) Ebooks ,tolls ,apps which can be published after the know how transfer events,and short therm courses
7) University corses where student can win money while they are studing in 7 differents modes

Given that immigrants will get a big amount of money promoting all those 7 differents projects ,and by this occasion they will also be appreciated and respected by local authorities ,this way immigrants will reach all their scopes


According to this project  in a very short time millions immigrants will start benefit from advantages ,,those projects will bring to them and as a positive consequence of this  they will become dependent on them Giving this positive aspect according to this project at a certain moment immigrants will know that the project will be available just for those who have residence autside Europe Union

Using this strategy  millions of immigrants who are working in differents European Union country and receiving very low salaries ,those who are unemployed ,will prefer to go to their contry ,because like this they can continue to win thousands Euro promoting EU economic interests ,and in the same time open a business in their country ,engoy live with their family friends etc


Security and immigrations researchers know  that  a muslim will never trust  a USA or EU official   but   he can   trust 100%  another muslim

Due to this very important aspect ,researchers who had worked in  differents  immigrations and securities issues  had been recommending IOM and EU securities and immigrations professionals never to try to make a direct communication to a muslim or a revolted immigrant

 Instead of that they must do  necessary things  which will make worldwild  muslim ,immigrants relatives ,friends to talk in a positive way about  special and sensible  things  which  will be be related to USA ,EU ,Those special things  must  have strong power to sensibilize millions of muslims relatives families etc and make them talk in a positive way about them and by this occasion even without knowing they will be bringuing positive feedback about USA EU  etc

For such a scope i  I   elaborated a very important project which will generate a strong viral link which as

""How muslims countries can valorise their 3 Magic Ts ( Talent Tradition ,Tourism ) get billions and create millions jobs ""


This is a fantastic and awesome  project It have a power to sensibilisize and make millions Worldwild muslims to  be proud and talk in a positive way about everything which will happen related with this project

 This project  will help USA ,UN ,EU ,IOM  to achive very specifics goals  starting from the firts day it will be launched

Given the importance of it i will present more details about  it in the end of this document until them i will continuing presenting advantages 4 more  differents projects will bring to


Apart of hundreds  Euros immigrants will win  receive appart of their sallaries ,promoting all the EU economic priorities projects ,they will get some other money
1) Performing in a show and a party which will be organised beford and after know how transfer events ,short ther courses
2) Presenting video which will be used to promote EU economic interests in Muslims countries ,India ,Turquish ,China ,Africa ,South America ,etc
3) Taking part in a multimedia production ,in order to make awesome contents which help ebooks ,tools ,apps to sell worldwild

4) Teaching and training those who are going to partecipate in such events

According to this project in the first step imiigrant will follow 4 differents courses

1)  This first course will the as his major scope  order to teach immigrants  how to use the platpforma in order to promote EU economic interest and get cash money  and then they will be motivated to go to their country to teach citizens from their country how they can promote the same thing   and get cash money apart of their salary

2) The second one will be about how to implement this project in differents others countries and then they will be motivated to go to those countries  give the know how for those countries  professionals  in order to implement  it In the first state they can start with countries where immigrantiions rate is very higher

3)  A third course will be about how to win money in America ,Canada ,Australia ,Japonia ,Switzerland ,Norway ,Europe Union ,without having to adventure in those countries After they will follow those courses they will be motivated to go to their country and teach whatever they had learn in elementary ,grammar sccholl ,University

4) And finaly the fourth will be about the following thing

Giving that   teneagers from differents countries where immigration rate is very high  have a dream ""To get a nice car ,enough money to spend ,be loved by  a nice girl but for this purpose they  have to immigrante ,"" if we want to solve immigration problems from his root we have to make what is necessary in order to change those preconcepted ways of thinking

For such purpose we will teach  immigrants  in differents EU countries what they have to  in their country toghether with ,kid parents ,elementary school ,communities etc and then motivate them to go to  certain countries  to make a transfer know how   for  professionals, teachers Who will  implement such projects


Given that all those projects will help immigrants to valorise their talent tradition and get hundreds and thousands euros ,apart of their salaries and in the same time  give them oportunity to be well know among their communities ,societies ,become respected ,apreciated ,those projects will make dozens millions of world wild muslims ,their families and relatives to talk in a very positive way  for the first time in history about USA ,EU ,IOM, UN, USA 


Giving that muslims are ready to kill and immigrants so revolted ,the fastest things which can be done in order to reduce  those very bad  muslims and immigrants feelings is to generate positive feedbacks in such a way in short time muslims and immigrants best friends ,relatives can start talking in positive way  about what we will  persude them to talk

For this purpose as i had said we will start from the strong support gived by the project

""How muslims countries can valorise their 3 Magic Ts ( Talent Tradition ,Tourism ) get billions and create millions jobs ""

1) Then i will writte contents which will be published in differents IOM Magazines and Facebook accounts special in Spain ,Italy Romania ,Sweden
2) After this using a special data base programme IOM will send an email in automatic way to all muslims from  Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy
3)In paralel with this plan we will launch another  with the scope to help USA - IOM - EU to generate a very positive feedbach which will go  viral from just  dozens IOM data base computers  to dozens ,and hundreds  thousands of some others in a very short time

For this purpose according to the project concept we can   organise special meeting   in first stage  in Romania in Constanta for IOM Constanta data base musilms students

Given that  the sensibilizations capacity of the project and the strategy which is established  we do not need to invite a large number of them, it is enough 10 -15 of them because in order to create such positive feedback we just need to have a project which have  such a fantastic power to sensibilize and some photos made by this ocassion

By this occasion photos made during the meeting with short description about the project will be put in a support and launched worldwild in order to bring positive feed back

4) A similar Meeting with be organised for muslims entrepreneurs and then we will launch the same procedure in order to generate an worldwild positive feedback among muslims entrepreneurs Given that at  Constanta -Romania there is a big muslim community of arabs and Turquish we can organise  separated meeting with  those communities ,because every meeting will generate new contents we need to generate a continue positive feed back during more than 5-7 months

5)  In paralel with those positive acctions we have to make a special partenership with  differents Universities  from Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy ,Maroco ,Tunisia

 By this occasion in order to help such Universities to attract a large number of Foreign students we will give then a know how about what they have to do in order to offere students possibilities to win money helping those Universities to implement certain projects we will talk about with another accasion

Given that we will help those Universities to achieve such strategics objectives they will be very motivated to implement some projects we will purpose them in order to  help USA ,EU ,UN , to  achieve scopes i had presented
Taking into consideration that from the moment we can make such parteners together with EU Universities we will elaborate  differents projects which can be financed by Europe Union ,and some others which can get donation from some importants  international Foundation and organizations ,from that moment  despite IOM -EU-   will continue to be the majors beneficiars but they will not contribute  anymore in the financial and logistic support

Given this positive aspect is very important from the bigunning of the project that

IOM subsidiaries from  Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy can establish necessary contacts with at least a University from those countries

6) Taking into consideration  that the project ""How muslims countries can valorise their 3 Magic Ts ( Talent Tradition ,Tourism ) get billions and create millions jobs "" is a very strategic one ,we can not use it to get EU founds Due to this fact we are going to use another one which will generate a link as ""How EU can use immigrations trend get billions and create millions jobs ""

Given that the project is so sophisticated it will be implemented in a partership with Universities  from Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy ,Maroco ,Tunisia

7) Apart of this project we will launch another one which will generate 3  powerfull link as ""How EU can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money ""  wrriten in Arabic ,Rusia ,English Romania ,Italy ,Spanish  language

8) Given that is very important  to descourage Russia diabolic plans in parales with the already reffered projects ,we will launch another which can hel European Unions to achieve some others goals By this occasion the project will generate a  link as
""Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time but without consumming Russia energia ""

Taking into consideration that in Romania there is a large community of Moldavian students and according to digital science their computer are well linked with Russians and Russians speaking countries ,the project will be launched from a dozen  Moldovian students computers and then it will go viral helping Europe Union ,USA  NATO  achiving strategics goals


According to European Union rules researchers must receive support to register their researchs projects since the first buguning even when they still at the table working as usual concepts ,ideas

Unfortunatly Romanian Minister of research had refused to give me support in order to register them since 2013 when i start to work on them and i  had asked such support, due to this situation i would like

1) Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy IOM to identify eventual ,Foundation ,international institutions ,companies ,brands ,private persons IOM ,ONG  parteners  had collaborated in differents projects and propose them to   give necessary support

2) Given that ,IOM have magazines ,and UN research centers have also media support in differents worldwild countries  i can publish certain contents in Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy  in IOM magazines ,Facebook ,account etc Then an IOM representant can send an invitation to Spain ,Sweden, Romania, Italy IOM chamber of Commerce ,businesses organizatios and purpose a partenership in order to sponsor the contents i will publish

3) Taking into consideration that mr George Soros and his Open Society foundations  are dealing with immigrations issues and they have very important reprezentant and subsidiaries in Romania and Spain they can be invited to become special parteners in some of those projects and give certain financial support

4) Taking into consideration that United Nations ,his immigrations researcher centers and differents private companies ,organization had worked togher in some projects  this can be a great source for usefull contact  

5) Taking into consideration that i have  been publishing special economic contents in World economic forum ,and this platphporma is located in Switzerland as IOM is to , and such a institutions  use to organise international events and as a result of this   they have contacts with a large number of companies ,brands which  had sponsered them ,in differents occasions ,it can be a ussefull contact for eventual financial support source

A similar aspect can be related with the ""Organizations for economic Cooperation and development ""OECD In their case they have even short contacts with  differents worldwild governments ,

as donation ,


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